Nature! It surprises me ...whenever I engage my mind into the fine details of life, I find myself arrested in the thoughts of nature as I observe a close association between the two.
Nature gives us everything in abundance and in the most appropriate manner except for one thing and that’s our lifespan. It’s true yet strange that human life is amongst the most uncertain things nature has made and we take it for granted. We are consumed with this ignorance to such an extent that we often fail to look at our family n friends properly, rarely exchange direct eye contacts with them as we seem to believe that they are going to stay with us forever, don’t share our concerns and don’t even talk at full length with them keeping the most important things engraved in our hearts forever.
Neither do we have control over our birth nor death. We come from nature; we go back to nature just like a plane which if takes off has to return back to the ground regardless of the length of its flight.
Before we get ready for our departure from this world, before we rise up to our death bed, before the curtain falls down on us separating the body from its shadow, before we find our speech in stutter, voice breaking and the strength of speech washing away, before the blood is too tired of running into our veins and staggers through the heart, before our eyes are closed forever and we get no time to save more moments of life or before others walk out of our life silently…say it all, share everything, speak your heart with all your might...Share..even if you don't care. It maybe you who changes someone's life forever.
Sharing becomes meaningful if our cascading smile is adorned by others before our departure so that it can be carried ahead, long after we are dead and gone...